Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Trail Runner Diaries: #1

Dear Diary,

It is a New Year and I have a resolution: to be more patient.  Typically, I am very rash with my decisions. I get an incredible idea in my head and then just take off with it.  I do not really analyze the implications or take caution.  I put my whole heart, body, mind and soul into my goals.  Though I realize these are great things to do, it usually puts me at risk.  Every time I get a bright idea or get selfish with my running- I am feeling on top of the world and so I add more- I get ambitious, and that usually leads to me trying to do things my body isn't ready for me to do.

Now, I have been a vegetarian for 8 years, But I converted to carnivorism as of this past October.  My iron levels were rediculously low and I wasn't achieving the results I should have with the volume of summer training.

Also, a consequence of my ambition is injury. Every year, or even every season, I am plagued with injuries.  Fall 2011 it was a tibial stress fracture, Fall 2012 it was an ankle sprain/ ligament tear, and a few dozen shin splint stints scattered here and there.

So, I need to learn to be patient.  I can't do everything at once.  Although I would like to think I am wonder woman, I am not. I'm just Kelsie.

Everybody around me offers me this advice. And after this many injuries in just a short running career of barely 4 years, it's high time I listened.

So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to make lots of goals and keep my ambition up, after all, that's what fuels my motivation and mental strength.  However, I will not complete these goals unless I am 100% healthy and they are reasonable a month out.  For example, I am 100% healthy right now, but it would break my body if I were to run 50 miles in February.  I'd certainly want to get to that point, but now is not the time.  I need to slowly and steadily build.

I can't get selfish either.  I need to be smart about my training and listen to my body and my coach for signs about when to cap it.

So that's all for now,

Sincerely, "Ultra" (my high school nickname... fitting)

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